Alert! Avoid Scams Claiming Association with Indonesia Investment Authority

We hereby caution the public to remain vigilant against potential scams involving attributes and symbols associated with or resembling the identity of the Indonesia Investment Authority. These scams may take the form of fake investment offers or job offers with the lure of commission incentives, and can be carried out through various channels, including but not limited to websites, social media, and online chat applications.
We would like to emphasize that:
• Our official website can only be accessed through
• Our official social media account can only be found at:
INA does not have any other platforms or participate in groups on any online chat apps and only communicates through these official channels.
Therefore, we urge the public to always be vigilant when receiving offers of investments, employment opportunities promising commission, or other schemes falsely claim affiliation with INA, with the intention to mislead and take advantage of the public.
We are not responsible for any losses that may arise from fraudulent activities that falsely claim association with INA.
Thank you.
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